
My photo
Hello... I am a very pleased Mother of 3 beautiful and amazing children - 2 boys and 1 girl. I am a happily married woman to a smart and handsome man. Anyone who knows me knows that my life is kind of chaotic. I love crafts and consider myself to be a crafty person – I get it from my Mother. To squeeze a little “Me” time into my hectic life, I’ve created a Pinterest Crafts Club, or the P.C.C. A time where I can both craft and spend time with my friends. I love my little family. Life is hard right now, but I have faith that the Lord will never give me a trial that He doesn’t think I can overcome. But man, if trials make you stronger, I’ll be able to give Hercules a run for his money. Hahaha! Just Kidding ;) "You cannot kindle a fire in any other heart unless you have one burning in your own." ~Elder Harold B. Lee

November 9, 2008


so i've had this so called "ear infection" for about 3 weeks, and it still hurts! i've already gone to the ER... they told me that my ear was about to errupt and didn't send me home with anything but numbing ear drops. so it hurt like heck and the drops helped very little. BUT my ear still hurt!
then i went back to the hospital and the doc told me that my ear drumb was errupting but wasn't all the way... so i told him that i was in real pain and he gave me antibiotics, pain pills, and a butt shot.
so i took the antibiotics twice a day like they said and the pain pills when ever i couldn't take the pain... but the pills soon ran out and i still hurt!
AHHH!! so now... thursday i called the ear specialits in Carson City, because they come to fallon, but the earliest i could get in would be next friday! total crap, so i asked for an earlier date, now i'm going to go to Carson City on monday morning so i can get checked out.
i hope things don't go permentnt cause i still cant hear all the way out of my ear.
i can sleep better at night but i'm still waking up because of the pain. it's not consistant like before but i have these sharp hard pains every so offten.
hope i get better soon.

1 comment:

Lewieville said...

WOW I hope you get better soon too, that doesn't sound like fun at all! Good luck.