
My photo
Hello... I am a very pleased Mother of 3 beautiful and amazing children - 2 boys and 1 girl. I am a happily married woman to a smart and handsome man. Anyone who knows me knows that my life is kind of chaotic. I love crafts and consider myself to be a crafty person – I get it from my Mother. To squeeze a little “Me” time into my hectic life, I’ve created a Pinterest Crafts Club, or the P.C.C. A time where I can both craft and spend time with my friends. I love my little family. Life is hard right now, but I have faith that the Lord will never give me a trial that He doesn’t think I can overcome. But man, if trials make you stronger, I’ll be able to give Hercules a run for his money. Hahaha! Just Kidding ;) "You cannot kindle a fire in any other heart unless you have one burning in your own." ~Elder Harold B. Lee

September 10, 2011

Happy Birthday to my first son Jason!
My first angel boy turned 3 yesterday.
Things were so hectic these past few days so I'm a little late in posting J's birthday pics

He was so happy that he got balloons too for his birthday. He accidentally or Zay accidentally 
let the balloons free outside. All I heard was "Booooooooooonnnns!"
and I knew they were gone.  

J was real excited about the gift he got. New cars from Pixar's Cars. 

I LOVE you SOO much J! From the moment you were born. 
Even though we have our rough days, our good, happy days make it all worth it.
The day you helped me feel better when I was crying... you put your arm around me and just sat with me,
the you said, "Mom, you so pretty".
I love you J!