
My photo
Hello... I am a very pleased Mother of 3 beautiful and amazing children - 2 boys and 1 girl. I am a happily married woman to a smart and handsome man. Anyone who knows me knows that my life is kind of chaotic. I love crafts and consider myself to be a crafty person – I get it from my Mother. To squeeze a little “Me” time into my hectic life, I’ve created a Pinterest Crafts Club, or the P.C.C. A time where I can both craft and spend time with my friends. I love my little family. Life is hard right now, but I have faith that the Lord will never give me a trial that He doesn’t think I can overcome. But man, if trials make you stronger, I’ll be able to give Hercules a run for his money. Hahaha! Just Kidding ;) "You cannot kindle a fire in any other heart unless you have one burning in your own." ~Elder Harold B. Lee

October 1, 2011

So... when did taking your kids to the park become a punishment for the parents?!
Sure, your kid will love you for a while... and you'll feel pretty good.
 But when it's time to go... all H.E. Double Hockey Sticks breaks loose!
He cried all the way home. Like a Banshee!
I think I have to go get my ears checked!

PLUS... I made the mistake of thinking Zoey could handle being there with us. I did go somewhat prepared though, brought her Bark Collar.
I'm pretty sure all the parents there thought I was just torturing her, she was yipping SO much!
Main reason why we only spent like 30 min at the park. She was good when I was around... but when I had to leave because J wanted to show me something he was doing...... ya.....

Other then that...
Made some homemade Cheese and Broccoli soup in the Slow cooker for Dinner.
Hope it comes out good....Smells good