
My photo
Hello... I am a very pleased Mother of 3 beautiful and amazing children - 2 boys and 1 girl. I am a happily married woman to a smart and handsome man. Anyone who knows me knows that my life is kind of chaotic. I love crafts and consider myself to be a crafty person – I get it from my Mother. To squeeze a little “Me” time into my hectic life, I’ve created a Pinterest Crafts Club, or the P.C.C. A time where I can both craft and spend time with my friends. I love my little family. Life is hard right now, but I have faith that the Lord will never give me a trial that He doesn’t think I can overcome. But man, if trials make you stronger, I’ll be able to give Hercules a run for his money. Hahaha! Just Kidding ;) "You cannot kindle a fire in any other heart unless you have one burning in your own." ~Elder Harold B. Lee

June 20, 2012

For all you Mothers out there... I have to go in for my 7 month pregnancy 2-3 hour glucose test today. Ugh! I hate this doc visit. I'm going to have to scrounge up a good book or something. Last time I forgot to bring anything and I was bored out of my mind. lol. Welp, wish me luck. I hate getting my blood drawn that many times :/
I just hope that I pass this time. I know I will. They said I didn't have to fast, just not to eat anything with a ton of sugar in it... but I pretty much fasted anyways. Just because, last time... I failed because I forgot what appointment it was. Had to come back on another day and drink a brown drink with 100gs and stay extra long. With J, I was fine. But only because I forgot, I had to do the second test. I really hope that doesn't happen this time!

It's good I have such flexible friends. Cause I needed someone to watch the boys while I went in. Didn't want D to have to worry about taking care of them for that long. It wears him out too fast. Plus he's sore from what ever he did yesterday. So he's been chillin in the bed with the computer... I just snagged it from him for a while so I can post.


Boo Ya! 5 min to drink...Downed it before 1
Tasted like a melted orange freezee

Alright, I made it back. LoL. It wasn't as bad as I remembered. I thought it was the 2-3 hour test. All I did was drink the drink, wait an hour, and have my blood drawn - 3 vials at the same time, and went home. I still hope that I don't have to go in for another test..

Now I'm going to go make some "Thank You" peanut butter cookies for my friend for watching the boys. When I came home, J started crying....

"What's the matter J" - Me 
"I miss Miss Melissa!" - J
"You like Miss Melissa hu?" - me
(Crying) - "Yaaaaaaaaaa" - J

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