- Amber
- Hello... I am a very pleased Mother of 3 beautiful and amazing children - 2 boys and 1 girl. I am a happily married woman to a smart and handsome man. Anyone who knows me knows that my life is kind of chaotic. I love crafts and consider myself to be a crafty person – I get it from my Mother. To squeeze a little “Me” time into my hectic life, I’ve created a Pinterest Crafts Club, or the P.C.C. A time where I can both craft and spend time with my friends. I love my little family. Life is hard right now, but I have faith that the Lord will never give me a trial that He doesn’t think I can overcome. But man, if trials make you stronger, I’ll be able to give Hercules a run for his money. Hahaha! Just Kidding ;) "You cannot kindle a fire in any other heart unless you have one burning in your own." ~Elder Harold B. Lee
June 23, 2012
I just had to draw this up... all because of last night. It's not an opinion, it's what happens. (I'm talking to you D.) Ha ha. Now that I look at it, it's kinda funny. But when it's happening... I go a little crazy! I'll list out what's going on:
1. When we first go to be. Cuddle time.
Mood - Happy and Comfortable
2. Now it's time for bed. We get our own space, settle in and go to sleep.
Mood - Happy and Comfortable
3. D decides he wants to cuddle again. I'm already on my 3-4 flip over because the baby's moving.
Mood - Sleepy and Comfortable
4. I cave in and start to cuddle back.
Mood - Happy and Comfortable
5. Middle of the night, J has monsters in his room and wants to sleep with Mom and Dad.
Mood - "Ugh, not again. Tell him he can sleep on the couch", because I know where this is going
6. J goes in on D's side because he knows I'll kick him out of the room.
Mood - Still ok. I have the same amount of room and J always goes right back to sleep
7. D and J spread out a little, get their own space, and go to sleep. I'm on my 6-8 flip.
Mood - Still ok.
8. Zay decides he doesn't want to sleep in his and J's room alone, starts to climb in bed with D.
Mood - Kind of upset. I tell D to make them go to bed, but he's out of it and lets him in too
9. D, J, and Zay cuddle for a while, I turn over because I know what's going to happen next.
Mood - Still upset... but I try and get back to sleep
10. Zay never goes back to sleep. He thinks it's time to wake up. He comes over to me and starts kissing and smooching me. I can't get mad at him because he's being so sweet.
Mood - Obligated to give into his cuteness
11. I try and put Zay back to sleep. I cuddle with him for a while. But then give up and figure that maybe if he sees that I'm sleeping, he will go to sleep too.
Mood - Very Tired and my back starts hurting from flipping so much (9-10 flips)
12. Now D wants to cuddle again and try and help me by putting Zay on the other side of him.
Mood - I'm starting to get no space. Can't sleep. Starting to get very irritable
13. I tell D that I need to sleep. I point out how much room I have. He tells me I don't know what I'm talking about. He gets a little upset because I don't want to cuddle anymore and he lays on his back, ignores my complaints, and goes back to sleep.
Mood - Angry and upset. Uncomfortable. Back is hurting. Lost count of flips
14. I finally lay on my back because of the lack of room. I look over at everyone else sleeping... all in their own space. And I just freak out.
Mood - "I'm going to go sleep in the crappy other bed... I'm so done...I can't sleep... Ugh!"
And then I pass out from exhaustion. Then when I wake up, everyone wonders why I'm not in the Best kind of mood. It's hard for me to get out of that mind set. Especially when after going through all that, I have to get up at 6-7 because Zay is done with sleeping, and if I don't get up, two things could happen:
I ask D if he can just be out in the living room watching him, and D gets all upset because he doesn't want to and his leg is hurting him. But he does do it. Probably more then he should :)
D and I try and wait it out... stay in bed and let Zay go wild. Zay gets into our bathroom, finds my toothbrush, (no matter where I hide it) and sucks and chews on it. Throws things into the toilet... and gets into all my stuff. So I'm then forced to listen to D yelling at him to stop. I then get over the fact that I'm not going to get any more sleep and D doesn't want to get up that morning...
So I get up, Put on a movie till 8. Then make breakfast and try to make it through another day.
All I've got to say is that something has to change. Because when I have the new baby, and she's sleeping in our room, I can't have the boys coming in, in the middle of the night. Being loud and keeping me more awake then I'm already going to be... what with getting up every so many hours to feed their little sister. O my. I really don't see how people have more then 3 kids. I can't even imagine 3 right now! I applaud you all!
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